Comment amener les enfants du préscolaire en immersion française et issus de milieu défavorisé à cultiver leur curiosité par rapport à la langue? Comment faire en sorte qu’ils acquièrent le gout d’apprendre les mots et développent leur intérêt pour les livres et la lecture? Comment leur permettre de prendre la parole en toute confiance et en français? Bref, comment leur permettre de développer leurs compétences en littératie ? Toutes ces questions et plusieurs autres encore seront au cœur de cette toute nouvelle offre de développement professionnel pour les enseignantes en immersion française des deux commissions scolaires anglophones.
Au cours de cette formation, les participantes seront amenées à :
- Réfléchir à l’intervention en classe d’immersion en milieu défavorisé montréalais
- Partager leur expertise et leur pratique de l’enseignement en classe d’immersion
- Défricher de nouvelles avenues pour bonifier leur pratique
Workshops available on demand
W10 Universal Pedagogy
This workshop is designed to help teachers teaching in Montréal disadvantaged community schools experiment with teaching practices (such as project based learning) that take into account students’ interests, talents and prior knowledge as a means to develop every students full potential.
Workshop Intentions
- Define and describe concepts such as disadvantaged, school engagement, equity, and universal pedagogy
- Explore practices that favour school engagement in disadvantaged school communities
- Share classroom practices that model this approach to teaching & learning
(For the 2020/2021 school year, elements of this workshop will be offered by topic, in a shorter format, to interested school teams or cycles. Topics include: Personalized Learning Through a Project-Based Approach (Passion Projects and/or Personal Projects), School Engagement, and The Importance of Student Voice.)
Schools interested in mini workshops on one or more of these topics can email :
Nancy Saltarelli :
W11 Numeracy Development (in a Montréal Disadvantaged School)
Research shows that students need to engage in hands on learning in order to construct mathematical reasoning. For students living in Montréal disadvantaged communities, it is even more important to use students’ own thinking and experiences to make sense of mathematical concepts.
Workshop Intentions
- Distinguish characteristics of a Montréal disadvantaged school so that we can better understand our students and their families
- Examine approaches in teaching and learning numeracy and problem-solving skills that are favorable in disadvantaged community schools
- Practice and develop strategies that foster a conceptual framework where students do the sensemaking in order to deepen their understanding of mathematical concepts
(This workshop will be offered as of January 2021 to small school teams or cycles and can be tailored to specific needs and/or grades. It will be offered in-school on 2 days- dates chosen in collaboration with school teams- with a possibility of a third half day for planning.)
Schools interested can email :
Nancy Saltarelli :
Professional Day Presentations available by request
Professional development and ongoing support from AMSFA can take on many forms, depending on the need(s) of each school or school board. Topics which can be explored and presented to school teams on professional days include:
- Maintaining High Expectations in Montréal Disadvantaged Schools
- Assessment and Evaluation in Montreal Disadvantaged Schools
- Teaching with Social Justice in Mind