

Grades 4 & 5

Artistic and Cultural Project

Street Photography and Me

Registration in progress Demande d’accompagnement

Lisa Di Fruscia

March to June 2025

Teaching personnel (homeroom teacher)

AMSFA’s Targeted Schools, French sector and English sector

Registration period From February 3th to February 11th, 2025 at 1:00 pm

Registration completed

This project includes:

  • Project planning activity for targeted personnel (March 13th, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, L.I.N.K.S High School, in-person)

Participants must bring a cell phone or an ipad to take photos, or ipads can be borrowed on-site. as the group will be going outside to take photos, it will be essential they dress appropriately. 

  • Offer Sequence with the Students
    • 6 Workshops offered by a partner including cultural mediation (exact day and times tbd with each school, April to June, 60 min, in class)
    • Outing or activity proposed by a partner with cultural mediation: exhibition (may 2025: dates to be determined, 120 -180 min, location to be determined)

Total number of classes or groups: 8
This offer is available in French or English.

Requirements for Participation

  • Authorization from school administrator
  • Availability of personnel to attend planning meetings
  • Registration for a team of: 4
    Each participant must complete a registration form.
    Make sure each of your colleagues has completed theirs.
    Incomplete registration compromises your participation.

If you do not meet the criteria for the minimum number required to participate in this offer, please contact the resource person.

General Selection Criteria

In view of the popularity of certain project proposals and the number of spaces, selection criteria have been retained:

  • A proportional representation of the targeted schools of the two English-language school boards in Montréal as a priority, and of the three French-language school service centers depending on the spaces available
  • A representation of the cycles
  • The participation of the individual in other offers of artistic and cultural mediation (current school year)
  • The participation of the school in other offers of artistic and cultural mediation (current school year).


"With my camera in my hand, my pace slows down, my mind clears, my eyes widen, and I begin to wander with open curiosity, freed from my inner doubts, awash in a river of joy flowing through me." - Lisa Di Fruscia

In this spirit, students will be invited to participate in this rich and stimulating photography project. It will be an opportunity for them to discover the work of a multidisciplinary photographer and artist, to explore their school's neighbourhood to capture images, and to appreciate their artistic work and that of their peers. Don't they say a picture is worth a thousand words? The artist will encourage students to sharpen their creative eye and develop a vocabulary that will allow them to describe and appreciate what these images evoke in them. It is also an excellent opportunity for them to get to know themselves better and to develop a broader conception of the world around them.

This project will also focus on numeracy, an important determinant of educational success in disadvantaged areas. The artist will introduce the students to the world of photography by linking certain mathematical concepts: the angle of the shot, the framing and the rule of thirds, and lines. The teacher will then work with the students to create mathematical problems based on the images they have chosen. They will also be given ideas for further numeracy activities.

At the end of the project, the students will present their photographs in an exhibition to which children and parents of the school will be invited. This exhibition will allow their efforts to be celebrated and highlighted within the community.

The project requires a more sustained commitment and active collaboration on the part of the teaching team. The artist will nevertheless be present to support each step and thus guarantee the collective success and make this process as seamless and enriching as possible.

This offer includes an experimentation that allows participants to reinvest the contents in the targeted program components:

  • Broad Areas of Learning: Media Literacy, Citizenship and Community Life
  • Cross-Curricular Competencies: To exercise critical judgment, To communicate appropriately

Specific and Measurable Goals

  • Discovering what makes each person's point of view unique so that we can get to know each other better and live together more effectively
  • To develop your artistic eye and the vocabulary to appreciate works of art
  • To build numeracy skills in an artistic and creative context, that of photography

Project Sequence

1. Discover the world of Lisa Di Fruscia and photography
(exact day and times tbd with each school, April 10th, 2025, April 11th, 2025, 60 min, in class)

Workshop offered by a partner including cultural mediation

The students discover the rich artistic and cultural universe of Lisa Di Fruscia. This introduces them to the world of photography by linking certain mathematical concepts: subject, angle of view, framing, rule of thirds, and lines.

The role of the teacher before the "Capturing Images in the Neighbourhood" workshop:
- Identify an accessible place in the neighbourhood where you can walk freely and take photos (alley, quiet street, etc.). Have a plan B in case of rain.
- Create Dyads
- Make sure iPads are working and charged

2. Capturing images in the neighbourhood
(exact day and times tbd with each school, April 24th, 2025, April 25th, 2025, 60 min, in school neighbourhood)

Workshop offered by a partner including cultural mediation

Equipped with an iPad and accompanied by the artist and their teacher, the students go out into the neighbourhood to capture images. They use the concepts they have learned to compose their photos.

3. Sharpen your artistic eye and develop an appreciation of wor
(exact day and times tbd with each school, May 1st, 2025, May 2nd, 2025, 60 min, in class)

Workshop offered by a partner including cultural mediation

The students look at the artist's photos and then at those they have taken. Before they select their five favourite shots, the artist opens a dialogue around elements of analysis, interpretation and appreciation of photos. This activity allows them to develop a vocabulary related to the arts and mathematics while discovering what makes each student's point of view unique. They learn more about each other and how to live together more effectively.

The role of the teacher before the workshop "Editing a photo: Why? How? "
- If necessary, continue selecting photos with the students.

4. Editing a photo: Why? How?
(exact day and times tbd with each school, May 8th, 2025, May 9th, 2025, 60 min, in class)

Workshop offered by a partner including cultural mediation

The students and the artist discuss photo editing's artistic and ethical dimensions. They are introduced to the basic functions of photo editing using the iPad.

The role of the teacher before the workshop "Appreciating your work and that of your peers":
- If necessary, continue the photo editing activity with the students.
- Send the photos to the artist using the chosen modality.

5. Appreciate your work and that of your peers
(exact day and times tbd with each school, May 15th, 2025, May 16th, 2025, 60 min, in class)

Workshop offered by a partner including cultural mediation

The students exhibit their five photos in the classroom. They move from one student to another to provide appreciative comments and ask questions. Each student chooses a photo that will be enlarged and displayed at the end of the project. This image will also serve as the source for their mathematical problem.

The role of the teacher before the "Highlighting the Achievements" workshop:
- Continue selecting photos with the students.
- Send the numbers of the photos to be printed to the artist by email.
- Create a mathematical problem from a photo.
- With the students, think about the exhibition the group would like to create and inform the school administration about the project.

6. Showcasing achievements
(during the week of june 2, 2025, 60 min, in class)

Workshop offered by a partner including cultural mediation

The students exhibit their work, along with their problem resolution, in a room on the school premises chosen by the class. They invite other classes, as well as parents, to come and celebrate their work.

7. Experience a cultural outing
(may 2025: dates to be determined, 120 -180 min, location to be determined)

Outing or activity proposed by a partner with cultural mediation: exhibition

In the company of the artist, the students will visit a Montreal cultural site that attests to our urban wealth. They will be able to connect with what they learned in the classroom workshops.


  • The school supplies: an ipad or tablet to take photos (one per two children).

If the school does not have this equipment, A Montreal School for All can make it available for the photo workshop.


No cost assumed by the school

A Montréal School for All covers the following costs:

  • Substitution or replacement
    If applicable, a fixed amount is allocated by A Montréal School for All to school boards and school service centers to cover the costs of substitution or replacement.
  • Access to activities (at school, at partner’s location, etc.)
  • Artistic and cultural mediation workshops: (at school, at partner’s location, etc.)
  • Transportation - Organization and fees

A Montréal School For All

Contact person
Valérie Denommé-Leduc :
Nancy Saltarelli :

Partner: Lisa Di Fruscia

All partners are committed to respecting the current health measures defined by Public Health and the CNESST in their various activities.

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