

Professional Development

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Professional Development

The terms of participation (in person or virtual) will be specified later, depending on the health and safety rules.
Participants will be remunerated according to the rules in place in each school board or school service center.

In Support of Intervention in Montréal Disadvantaged Communities

A Montréal School for All offers a diverse range of support and professional development to increase the capacity of school teams of the three French-language school service centers and the two English-language school boards in the implementation of practices with regard to intervention in disadvantaged areas of Montréal and the predictors of academic success namely literacy, numeracy and school engagement. These practices are centered on the values ​​of equality, equity and social justice.

Participants are supported in a perspective of reflective practice and are invited to take a critical look at their practice based on data from research and experiential knowledge.

Target Audience

  • School team personnel: teachers, non-teaching professionals, daycare staff, support staff, CLC coordinators, and school administrators
  • School board personnel: administrators, consultants and other professionals

Professional Development Models Offered by AMSFA

  • Workshops
  • Co-development groups
  • Communities of practice (COP)
  • Networks
  • Artistic and cultural project preparation days
  • Tailor-made support, at the request of schools or school boards or school service centers.

Participation can be individual or as a team.

No more offer available in English.

Offers available in French: click HERE


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